Art Usage Policy

UPDATED AS OF: 14/3/2021

You may repost/use my artwork somewhere else on the web/personal use without asking me. Please check over the Terms and Conditions before doing so, since there are certain areas I do not permit. For credit formatting, it is straightforward for those of you familiar with using/reposting artist work.


⭐My work is under the Creative Common License, so basically just don’t make money off of my stuff/plagiarise/you credit me back with a URL.

You agree to link back to any of my social media (see the below for Credit formatting), even if watermarking is present.
No link backs to my social media or unable to? No permission for you to repost/use my work.

⭐🚫 Do not repost on the following sites: Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Pixiv, Toyhouse
▪️ Tumblr/Twitter: Please reblog/retweet the originals from my corresponding accounts if you use those websites!
▪️ Exception conditions for Toyhouse: If I drew somebody else’s OC and they have an account there.
▪️ Exception conditions for Instagram: I will allow reposts on Instagram depending on how your account operates (please ask first unless I explicitly state your account is allowed to do so in my description). If permission is granted, please mention @blazithae in your repost! Story shares are totally cool too.

In terms of collaborative and commissioned work:
▪️ Collaborations: Please ask the other artist(s) if it’s okay with them to use our piece we worked on together. I’m okay with it as long as credit and link backs are due, but if the other artist(s) says no, respect their wishes and do not use the work.
▪️ Commissions: You may not repost commissioned work nor use them unless you obtained permission from the commissioner(s). It is your responsibility to contact any involved parties, not through me. If the other party is inactive and/or you have no way of contacting them, it’s a no.

I reserve the right to have my art removed from you for any reason.

⭐Terms & Conditions can change at anytime.


A quick chart to refer to for crediting me, in case if you aren’t familiar with crediting people in general.

⭐For the social media pages (the ones where I post my art) you can link me back to, use any of the following:

▪️ Twitter (preferred):
▪️ Instagram:
▪️ Tumblr:
▪️ Carrd co:
▪️ Pixiv:

Linking to direct art pieces is totally cool too!

Ensure that the URL or embed link is clear/visible enough for your site visitors to see.
Please use comments as a last resort if providing a description upon submission is not an option.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

⚠️DISCLAIMER: If someone used/reposted my work following all proper credit, I take no part in whatever business or fandoms they have in. This also applies to any attached commentary made by the user; descriptions written by me will always be through my own posts.