Art Resources List: Drawing

📎 Redirected from the Art Resources PageNote: Please see the Art Resources Page for overall navigational notes on my directories. This post is aimed for drawing resources in general, there isn’t really anything specific per say. Please note this is not a comprehensive list and I am working on including beginner-aimed resources. ✏️DRAWING✏️🏷️ (General) References,… Continue reading Art Resources List: Drawing

Art Resources List: Art Fundamentals

📎 Redirected from the Art Resources PageNote: Please see the Art Resources Page for overall navigational notes on my directories. This post is mainly aimed towards beginners and people who are looking to return to doing art in general, but it does provide resources that can be helpful to artists at any level. ⭐ART FUNDAMENTALS🌱… Continue reading Art Resources List: Art Fundamentals

Art Resources List: Human Anatomy

📎 Redirected from the Art Resources PageNote: Please see the Art Resources Page for overall navigational notes on my directories. Please note this is not a comprehensive list and I am working on including beginner-aimed resources. I kept this section focused on human anatomy studies (rather than figure drawing). 🏋️HUMAN ANATOMY🏋️🏷️ Guides, references, tutorials, tips… Continue reading Art Resources List: Human Anatomy